I didnt even know I still had this blog, I wanted to re-start a fresh blog in order to keep down my thoughts. I'm sure I will probably stop again but for now, as of right right now I am dedicated to writing on this thing as much as I can.
Basically the whole point of me getting back into blogging is just to write down my thoughts, I can care less if anybody follows this blog or likes what I have to say but I as do many people in the world have many thoughts. I want a forum to put these thoughts down and remember them. I could of started a journal or written a book(one day) but for now I will resort to this blog in order to post my thoughts on life mostly but really anything that comes to mind.
I really believe people spend too much time worrying about other peoples thoughts and ideas. Always seeing what others have to say, or worrying about others opinions when it is your own that should come first.
Anyway I just hope to write down whatever comes to my mind and hopefully look back on this blog and say wow. I believe writing things down or sharing your thoughts can relieve a TON of stress or pressure on someone so thats what I hope to achieve, a clearing of the mind I suppose.
I choose not to create a tumblr or something like that because I believe tumblr is more social network, whereas this blog is more or a narrative or editorial of sorts that has less to do with interaction and more with just thoughts on everything and more of a private thing. That was a horrible explanation but hopefully whoever reads this gets the point.
That being said hopefully I continue to write on this and hopefully everyone is having a great Sunday. GOD Bless.
15 years ago
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